Friday, 20 April 2012

Transporting Ice

If you are a spoiled rotten expat like myself - you have the luxury of a freezer, ice trays, and bottled water. All the ingredients for the uber luxury item: ICE!

Of course, not all Liberians, have freezers (nor electricity), ice trays, or even bottled water (or water - Lofa County this week ran OUT of water, all the wells dried up).

Here in city limits there is still a need for ice in the retails sector. Most wheelbarrow vendors (push-push vendors) who sell beverages or water sachets, use block ice to keep their product cool (and what they may not know - tantalizing! Even when I walk the streets and see chilled, wet, icy beverages I am tempted).

So of course one needs to get the ice from the "Ice Vendor" to one's own selling region. Here
are just a couple of snapshots of ice transport.

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