Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Orphanage....and the Angels.

How we came upon this particular orphanage over all the others is quite a magical story - maybe one day you can read about it in my memoir...

More importantly, more factually, more truthfully, "there are no mistakes." Let's just say for now an Angel pointed us in the direction of the orphanage, the first of many Angels.

And so with boxes full of toys, clothes, and supplies collected from friends and family I trekked out to find the orphanage. These folks are situated right on the main thoroughfare between  the city and Robertsfield Airport...and yet, it is so easy to pass because it is RIGHT on the road and so while you are looking for it (remember currently there are no addresses of substance in Liberia - ie. turn right at the Chinese Supermarket and count four compounds).

So after my driver, security,  and I drove up and down the highway we finally pulled over and asked random folks on the side of the road - where is "the" orphanage? Of course there are MANY orphanages MANY! Over 150 government recognized orphanages in Liberia - so to ask a stranger where is the orphanage, "our" orphanage made it obvious that I had much to learn.

Again, the Liberian magic happened and we picked up a thin and slight, shirtless fellow. He didn't smile and yet seemed lovely enough. And he was able to turn us around and travel back five miles to "THE" orphanage. As we all jumped out of the truck and started introducing ourselves, and unloading the goods, our guide started walking away...no goodbye - no expectations - he had traveled with us Five Miles in the opposite direction of his journey to bring us to OUR destination and without a thought, argument, or even a wave he set out down the street. Of course, I chased after him and thanked him and offered him a small monetary thank you gift. He was thankful, but it  seemed as if he didn't even want it/need it as destitute as he appeared, the money I placed in his hands seemed almost worthless to him - my driver came over and without hesitation offered to drive him back or even farther/closer to his destination and our guide kindly refused, thanked us for our offer and turned and walked away, returning to his journey...we often think Angels descend from clouds on beams of radiant light, when actually, they are next to us, unassuming, kind, effortless.

As we unloaded we met the kind couple who run the orphanage, who of course were startled by our sudden arrival. Suspecting that I, like many a folk before me, may have arrived to abuse the orphanage to raise money and none of it ever making it back to the orphans. I heard stories how folks would come and take photos and were never to be seen again only to find websites based overseas with their photos raising money! Oh my goodness, truly these kind hard working, authentic souls are tending to 26 orphans and schooling the neighborhood children and then have to deal with swindlers and false promises. And yet, they move on cherish each day and each moment as a gift from God. The children gathered and were clean and fresh and smiling and lovely. It seemed almost too good to be true  - and then Alieue, my driver said to me in my ear, "This is a good place, these are good people, look at these children, look at everyone getting along, there is no fear."

I started looking for my security, and realized he was in the mix talking with the children - he himself survived the conflict by educating himself in Sierre Leone, he is a young, bright, honest fellow and there he was - with the children: listening LISTENING. It was all og me not to cry - here was a man - LISTENING to the children- a stranger yet a father, an uncle, a brother.

I spoke with the teachers and the staff as well and what I learned was that the orphanage was in need of a generator. Sigh, they had NO source of energy. And so making NO promises - I said I will see what we can do. And off we went -

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