Saturday, 15 September 2012

The Slow Down

All my life (even to this day) my Father will tell me to slow down. In fact, as he drove me to the airport to I asked him, "Dad, do you think I will ever slow down?"

His response was no response. That's my Dad.

Well, I do try to be conscious of things when in Liberia. Of the many things on my mind, I do think about how things can't be easily replaced, whether it be due to cost or availability. This includes medication, money, food, furniture, clothes, crystal stemware, and of course electronics.

I tend to keep my iphone in the house and my laptop well it is my only window to the outside world besides my little nokia mobile phone...

Funny how when in the States, I tend to sling my laptop around, hold it with two fingers, use it as a breakfast tray as I head to the balcony, oh I have dropped my laptop several times - shoved it in the overhead compartment - HA! Because I can easily replace it!

Oh but here in Liberia oh yes it takes a good ten minutes to get to the porch in the morning.
1. Unlock all the doors
2. Bug Check
3. Wipe away the water
4. Bug Check
5. Lock Door
6. Collect Coffee and Napkin
7. Unlock Door
8. Carry out coffee
9. Lock door
10. Collect laptop
11. Unlock Door
12. ahhhh Breakfast

Now back in Chicago that would have been a two step process with me balancing coffee, oatmeal, iphone, pad, pen, maybe a magazine and oh it is a usually a mess on the floor....!

So it's all about slowing down,...and I love it...I love slowing down - it feels so good!

There are other slowing down processes of course, there is the night time ritual slow down, doors locked, keys stowed, exterior lights on, windows locked, shades drawn, bird covered, bugs sprayed, interior doors locked, bugs sprayed, ac on, go-bag ready, shoes at door, electronics stowed, and of course ear plugs...yea that's a good twenty minutes for sure and then night time prayers and then sleep!

Slowing down my brain - LOVE IT!

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